The Future of Compliance. AI-Powered Policy Governance.

Achieve Compliance at Scale with Frictionless Policy Lifecycle Management

Manage and maintain your organization's policies with ease using our cutting-edge generative AI solution. Rapidly create, update, and disseminate policies while ensuring consistency, accuracy, and compliance with industry regulations and internal guidelines.

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Accelerate Policy Creation

Generate initial policy drafts quickly by leveraging your existing knowledge base and templates.

Ensure Consistency and Compliance

Maintain version control and audit trails for all policy updates to ensure policies align with internal standards and external regulations.
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Enhance Clarity and Readability

Produce clear, well-structured policies using natural language processing techniques to improve policy comprehension across your workforce.

Collaborative Review and Approval

Streamline the review and approval process with easy-to-use collaboration tools.
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Streamlined Onboarding

Instantly connect and upload your organization's data from any of our integrations.

Robust AI-Powered Search Functionality

All answers include context drop-downs and links back to the source document.

& Secure

Guaranteed peace of mind. Answers are secure, private, and permissions-aware.

Customizable for Use Cases

Control what you search with custom filters, role descriptions, and shareable user settings.

The Cypress AI Difference

Transparency & Human Oversight
Cypress AI displays exact sentence-level source embeddings, allowing users to verify generated responses.
Real-time Access to Knowledge Insights
The analytics system seamlessly handles various data inputs, from conversation logs to document archives, empowering users with real-time insights.
Streamlined & Efficient Document Processing
Our range of custom-built proprietary text splitters can be tailored to your specific needs, alongside rigorously tested open-source splitters.
Vendor-Neutral Model Compatibility
Cypress AI is compatible with all language models, ensuring top performance in search and language generation while maintaining independence from any single vendor lock-in.
Customizable Front End for Infinite UI Potential
Cypress AI offers advanced capabilities such as rephrasing queries using common acronyms and language to align with the knowledge base.
Insightful Gap Analysis With Powerful Analytics
Gap analysis findings drive focused data collection initiatives, ensuring the most critical and frequently sought-after information is added to the data set for continuous improvement.

More ways to use Cypress AI

The Cypress AI platform empowers teams across any organization to make the most of their time.

Reimagining Proposals
RFPs & Grants
Streamline grant applications and RFP responses to grow your organization with ease.
Strategic Insights
Content & Data Analysis
Understand your organization like never before with our powerful analytics.
Boost Productivity
Knowledge Management
Supercharge your team's productivity with AI-powered knowledge management.
Custom AI Solutions
AI Consulting Services
Create tailored AI solutions for any of the challenges your organization faces.

Trusted by Leading Companies Worldwide

Northrop Grumman
Expy Health
Simply Branded

See Cypress AI in Action

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